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Importance of Privacy Settings

Online Safety


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In this unit we will teach you how to protect your privacy online. Usually, vigilante hackers and cyber criminals are more likely to obtain information from you by using your personal information and personal posts you input online. Be careful what you post online because apart from bad people invading your privacy, it can cause cyber-bullying.

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Here are 5 methods that can help protect yourself online:
  • Set your profile settings to private so that some critical information such as where you live and where you were born can be hidden from the general public.
  • Be careful of your interactions on Social Media: Never accept requests to connect from people whom you do not know in person.
  • Block cyber bullies and suspicious individuals: Facebook’s block feature is an effective weapon against bullies.
  • Do not post sensitive information that could be used against you
Be careful when installing third party apps that might connect with your social media profile to get data. Always read the requested permissions. Privacy is your right and you should protect it. Always set your privacy settings to ensure that your sensitive information will never be seen by the wrong people.

"Once you've lost your privacy, you realize you've lost an extremely valuable thing." - Billy Graham