3 Unique Ways to Gain Sponsorship for your Podcast

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Module 1 | Podcast | |
Unit 1 | 3 Reasons to Utilize the Powers of Podcasting | |
Unit 2 | 3 Different Podcasting Structures | |
Unit 3 | 3 Approaches that will Help you Determine your Podcast Focus | |
Unit 4 | 2 Interview Techniques that you can Utilize in your Podcast | |
Unit 5 | 3 Unique Ways to Gain Sponsorship for your Podcast | |
Unit 6 | 2 Benefits of Connecting your Podcast with your Other Platforms | |
Unit 7 | 4 Ways to Increase Podcast Popularity | |
Unit 8 | 5 Essential Podcasting Tools that you Should Know about | |
Unit 9 | Podcast PostTest |
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Hi. In this video, we will look at different ways that you can gain sponsors for your podcast. With podcasting comes some expenses and a lot of time spent on editing and recording. Gaining sponsors makes this experience more worth the time and money. Here are 3 unique ways to gain sponsorship for your podcast:
Through popularity, you may be approached by companies that want to be featured on your podcast in exchange for sponsorship. This is the easiest form of sponsorship.
Affiliate links
Affiliate links can be set up through online stores like Amazon. Affiliate links are specific links that you encourage your listeners to use when they require products from sites like amazon. When your listeners use these links to access websites that you’ve set them up with, you will make a percentage of the sales.
Send out emails
Sending out emails to potential sponsors can allow you to negotiate sponsorship deals. Often times, companies require that you take 30 seconds out of your show to talk about one of their products. The advertising time can be negotiated with other details once you reach an interested company through emails.