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3 Reasons to Maintain Blog Post Consistency

Starting a Blog Online


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3 Reasons to Maintain Blog Post Consistency:
  1. Show readers that you have dedication to your craft
  2. Provide maximal free value
  3. Consistent blogging will keep you researching and staying up-to-date

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Hi. In this video, we will explore the final but equally vital component of a great blog which is consistency. Maintaining consistency will move you closer to attracting customers and mastering your craft.
Here are 3 reasons to maintain blog post consistency:
  1. Show readers that you have dedication to your craft
  • Whether once a month or once a week, you readers will begin to wait for the next post
  1. Provide maximal free value
  • Doing this will allow for potential customers to be more comfortable to make the jump to your paid services
  1. Consistent blogging will keep you researching and staying up-to-date
  • Research for each blog post will keep you at the peak of your understanding of your craft and it will keep you up-to-date with new happenings
Staying consistent can be difficult. That’s why determining the frequency of your posts is essential. Readers will come to expect this frequency of articles especially if they provide plenty of value. Taking into consideration the 3 reasons above can provide the appropriate amount of motivation to keep you delivering valuable content.