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Key Activities in a Business



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The 3 key activities that your business engages in:
  1. Production Activities
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Platforms

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There are many daily tasks that are done within the business, but it is always important to be clear about what are the key activities that need to be conducted within the business to deliver on the value proposition that you are promising your clients. By identifying these activities, it would help you to prioritise the efforts taking place in your business.
Some of the common activities in a business include:
  1. Production activities which focus on the design, manufacturing and delivery of a product or service – common in manufacturing
  2. Problem solving which cover a lot of services businesses that work on addressing customer problems
  3. Platforms bring together users and clients on a common space for them to interact – Credit card companies, Software platforms, and online merchants are examples that have platforms as a key activity
Reviewing your key activities and improving the performance is an essential part of innovating a better product or service to your clients.

Julie knows that her most important activity over the coming period is great marketing and branding of her app and great customer service to the schools that are buying the app. She knows that she would need to organize a roadshow to explain the system and train administrators in the school on how to use the system.

Never mistake activity for achievement. John Wooden