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Key Resource Types

Business Model Innovation


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The three common recourse types:
  1. Physical Resources
  2. Intellectual Property
  3. Human Capital Resources

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In this video we learn about how to identify the key resources in your business.
Key resources reflect the most important assets for your business. Identifying them will help you in protecting these assets and making the most of them.
Here are 3 common resource types:
  1. Physical resources include vehicles, offices or stores, data center, manufacturing equipment
  2. Intellectual Property assets brands, copyrights, patents, platforms and even customer databases.
  3. Human Capital representing your team. In most businesses this is your most important asset as the team helps in keeping innovations coming in and in providing your clients with a great experience
Identifying your most important assets in your business and protecting them is essential to making your business function well.

The most important resources in Julie's business, that are essential to the survival of that business, are her STEAM expert and the application developer; both of which have been with her from the start of the project. All the other resources could be outsourced and there is no need for any major physical assets.

The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one’s opportunities and make the most of one’s resources. Vauvenargues