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3 Tips on How to Handle an Angry Client

Call Center Essentials


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The 3 tips on how to handle an angry client:
  • Listen
  • Don’t argue
  • Empathize with the client

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Many of us face the occasional angry client - weather internal inside our company or external in dealing with buying customers. Some customers are rude and not reasonable, but in the vast majority of times, customers are reasonable.
Here are 3 tips on how to handle an angry client and diffuse the situation
  • ListenListen and Listen some more
  • Don’t argue with the client, since you will never win
  • Empathize with the client and let them know you understand their situation
After understanding the problem and situation, if you can solve it that would be great, if not, then you need make it clear that the problem is out of your hands and it's unfortunate that they had that experience. Depending on the policies of the company, you might be able to offer them something to compensate them on their bad experience.
Remember, not to take any negative customer contact personally, you need to learn to separate your emotion from the job.