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6 Stages of Critical Thinking Development

Critical Thinking


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Critical thinking involves a number of significant steps you are advised to follow.
So here are the 6 stages of Critical Thinking Development:
  • Acquiring sufficient knowledge to be able to point out the main topic that is being addressed.
  • Comprehending well what you have attained in stage 1 by relating it to what you already know.
  • Applying what you have already acquired and comprehended to an actual project.
  • Analyzing the data you have collected by breaking it into smaller steps in order to understand the details clearly.
  • Synthesizing the data researched by statistically combining them together and logically linking the relevant information to the topic issued.
  • Interpreting and evaluating data after it has been analyzed and synthesized is important to draw valid conclusions.

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In this video, you will learn what stages you go through becoming a critical thinker.
Practicing good critical thinking at an early stage makes it easier to further enhance your way of thinking. Critical thinking involves a number of significant steps you are advised to follow. The order of the steps listed below is very important.
So here are the 6 stages of Critical Thinking Development:
  • Acquiring sufficient knowledge to be able to point out the main topic that is being addressed. Learning more and educating yourself about the environment around you gives you a clearer picture of what is actually needed.
  • Comprehending well what you have attained in stage 1 by relating it to what you already know. Researching data happens in this stage. Building up your information helps you understand well what issue is placed on hand.
  • Applying what you have already acquired and comprehended to an actual project. Visualizing the information you have by making it applicable to your daily life.
  • Analyzing the data you have collected by breaking it into smaller steps in order to understand the details clearly. Interpreting and organizing the data collected by looking for similarities and differences. At this stage, data can be placed in charts or graphs.
  • Synthesizing the data researched by statistically combining them together and logically linking the relevant information to the topic issued. This is closely connected to determining the importance of the data analyzed.
  • Interpreting and evaluating data after it has been analyzed and synthesized is important to draw valid conclusions. This stage involves finding solutions and taking wise decisions accordingly. Sometimes letting your emotions take over can push the evaluation to an earlier stage. Never rush into this stage. Evaluation should be the last stage of critical thinking.
So we advise you to follow each stage above while making decisions in your business. Becoming more experienced with critical thinking enables you to assess your own learning styles thus strengthening your abilities!