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5 Reasons Why Educational Programs can be Great CSR Tools

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


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5 reasons why educational programs can be great CSR tools for your business:
  • You can align the education to your business
  • Give your team a chance to volunteer in workshops
  • Create content that can then be re-purposed on your social media and website
  • Use it for open innovation 
  • Use education to foster engagement from your community

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Many companies struggle to identify corporate engagement or corporate citizenship programs that work for them. Some resort to charity work, while others have their teams volunteer in community activities but these kind of activities struggle to maintain momentum or sustainability. Education programs that are launched by businesses to help educate the community about something meaningful to them can have a very positive impact to the community itself and the business.
Here are 5 reasons why educational programs can be great CSR tools for your business
  • You can align the education to your business so that it you are seen as a thought leader in that space - raising your brand awareness
  • Giving your team a chance to volunteer in workshops or mentorship sessions where they develop their own expertise further
  • Developing educational material can be a great way to create content that can then be re-purposed on your social media and website
  • Using it for open innovation where you educate your community industry challenges and rewarding the best solutions or ideas
  • Using education to foster engagement from your community as they interact with your program
So for the next corporate engagement opportunity that you are exploring, identify what areas of development could be useful for your community and aligned to your business. By creating relevant educational content, you would be doing good for both.

If you get, give. If you learn, teach. Maya Angelou