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Effective Face-to-Face Customer Meetings

Effective Customer Meetings


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Unit Video

Unit Summary

The 4 tips that will help you in your next customer visit:
  • The First Impression
  • Body language
  • Listen empathetically
  • Conclude the meeting on a positive note

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In this video you will learn about a few practical tips to improve an in person customer visit.
Doing our day-to-day work we get many opportunities to meet with important people including customers of ours.  Sometimes, these meetings could be crucial to secure a new customer or resolve a problem.
Here are 4 tips that will help you in your next customer visit:
  • The First Impression is a lasting impression – make sure you are welcoming and positive when you walk in to the meeting
  • Body language is what counts – fake smiles and negative body language are easily caught
  • Listen empathetically – let the customer know that you care about their point of view and you are taking the time to understand it
  • Conclude the meeting on a positive note with a clear set of action plans that you both agree on
The above tips can be applied by anyone in a customer-facing situation and are useful in all customer encounters.
Go out and try them in your next meeting.

Sally has a graphic design company and is visiting, for the first time, a friend who works for a bank. Sally's friend told her that if the head of marketing is around, they might be able to see him. Since this could be a good opportunity for Sally and even though she might not see the head of marketing, she wanted to ensure that she makes a good first impression. So she dressed for the occasion and prepared in her mind what she would say if she got the chance of meeting with the manager. When she did visit the bank, the head of marketing was out of office. However, when her friend was walking her out as Sally was about to leave, the Head of Marketing happened to walk in. Sally's friend introduced her to the manager and as the manager asked about what she does, Sally responded confidently explaining her unique approach to graphic design. The manager was impressed and as such requested to have a follow up meeting to discuss in further details.

Always go into meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself you're going to make this the best deal for all parties. Natalie Massenet