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Elements that Impact your Communication

Effective Customer Meetings


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Unit Summary

The three elements that impact your communication:
  • The words that you speak
  • The tone in which you speak those words
  • The body language in which you convey your message

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In this video you will learn about the three elements that make up any communication and where to focus your effort to get the maximum impact.
Communication happens all the time in our business and personal encounters. We are continuously attempting to explain our point of view in an effective and convincing way, so understanding which elements have the most impact on the message is crucial.
Your communication is dependent on three key factors:
  • The words that you speak which contribute only about 7% of your message
  • The tone in which you speak those words which contribute about 38% of your message
  • The body language in which you convey your message which contributes up to 55% of your message
As you notice the actual words that you say have very little impact to the message and as such the focus should be on improving your tone and body language so that you ensure that your message is well received at all times.
As Will Smith said in the film “Hitch” – 90% of what you are saying ain’t coming out of your mouth.

Kamran is a non-native English speaker, but his job requires that he does a lot of presentations in English. After watching the communications video at, Kamran realized that his struggle sometimes for finding the right words was not that important and as such focused on improving his body language and tone when presenting. He was surprised to see the dramatic improvement in the interest and engagement from the audience by just varying his tone more and using open body language.

"Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success." - Paul J. Meyer