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3 Questions that will Help you Determine your Craft

Freelancing in Gig Economy


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Unit Summary

3 questions that will help you determine your craft:
  • What are the skills that people around you complement you on?
  • What is it that you enjoy doing?
  • How much time do you envision giving to your freelancing career?

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Hi. In this video, we will look at 3 questions that can help you determine your craft. Now that you’ve decided to take the freelancing route, your options are nearly endless. Deciding on a precise focus will ensure that you provide the right services to the right clientele. This process will require some recollection and self-exploration. Here are 3 questions you should ask yourself in order to determine your craft:
  1. What are the skills that people around you complement you on?
    • There are usually a set of skills that people around you often “wish [they] could do” that you find to be easy. Each and every one of us has a set of skills that we take for granted. However, these skills can be valuable to a future freelancing career.
  2. What is it that you enjoy doing?
    • Freelancing is open to whatever you make of it. Providing value through your unique skills will be much more efficient and effective when you enjoy what you’re doing
  3. How much time do you envision giving to your freelancing career?
    • Understanding what you want your hours to look like can help you to determine what your ideal service will be.
After some self-reflection, it will become clearer what your ideal service will be. It is also important to remember that your freelancing service may evolve as you find out what things you like and don’t like with experience.