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5 Ways Negotiation Enhances Any Discussion

Negotiation Skills


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Negotiation is inevitable to get what you want while you build sustainable relationships with others.
Negotiation increases your odds of winning a discussion in these 5 ways:
  • Reflects Your Critical Thinking
  • Helps You Better Understand What You Want
  • Handles the Concerns of Others
  • Improves Your Persuasive Skills
  • Increases People’s Likelihood of Approaching You

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Hi. In this video, you will discover 5 ways negotiation increases the odds of getting what you want.
Have you ever wanted something so badly but were afraid of not getting it? "They won't agree. If I ask, the consequences will be disappointing. What I'm asking for is kind of impossible…" and forward goes the unending trail of negative thoughts, until you realize that negotiation is simply about creating win-win situations.
Here are 5 ways negotiation paves your way to enhance any discussion:
1- Reflects Your Critical Thinking: When you negotiate, you are presenting arguments, reasons and other logical approaches, which make you appear analytical, smart and trustworthy. Consequently, others will be more motivated to reach an agreement with you.
2- Helps You Better Understand What You Want: Negotiation takes you through the pros and cons of what you want, allowing you along the way to refine and redefine your needs, thus better focusing your energy on the desired outcomes.
3- Handles the Concerns of Others: Just like negotiation makes your needs clearer, it also helps others identify exactly what they are concerned about. Through negotiation, you give them the chance not only to address their problems at once, but to also manage them through the resolutions you offer.
4- Improves Your Persuasive Skills: As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect."  The more you negotiate with others, the more insights you will discover about human psychology. Hence, next time, you will approach your targets with more confidence and sell them your ideas in more powerful ways.
5- Increases People's Likelihood of Approaching You: We usually say "I don’t like working with X. He doesn't give and take.” First and foremost, negotiation proves that you are a flexible person, who doesn't adopt rigid beliefs but rather tries for creative solutions to make everyone satisfied.
Eventually, negotiation makes you a winner, and people offer you what you want as if it is what they want too. Negotiation can start with any ordinary conversation and soon it becomes a skill you build on and use in your daily life, whether at work, home, in relationships, and the list goes on!!