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4 Practices to Discover Your Strengths

Productivity Skills


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Unit Summary

Identifying your strengths is the starting point towards planning guaranteed productivity.
To know where you should invest your time, consider the following methods:
  1. Observe What Makes You Happy
  2. Notice What You Do Differently
  3. Choose Your Favorite Qualities
  4. Read

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In this unit, you will learn 4 ways to identify your best assets so that you invest in them.
Ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of skills there are to master? Have you noticed that there are tasks which you accomplish with ease and brilliance while you approach other tasks with less vehemence and passion? You will reach optimal productivity faster if you lean on what you already do very well.
Here are 4 ways to find your strengths:
1- Observe What Makes You Happy: Explore the world and listen to your inner voice. Which task makes you feel inspired and alive? Which topics do you talk about with fervor? What kind of projects you’re willing to spend long hours working on? Answer these questions while you push yourself into new experiences and out of your comfort zone.
2-Notice What You Do Differently: Something might make you feel happy but not necessarily unique. You might love scriptwriting but write an average plot or dialogue. You can definitely work on improving your skills, but there is already something you are good at and passionate about, at the same time. Look first at what comes naturally.
3- Choose Your Favorite Qualities: Think now. What do you like most about yourself? What makes you proud? You don't have to look at your biggest achievements for that. Search among little everyday moments for your resilience, determination, bright outlook on life, discipline, fervor to learn and other positive attributes.
4- Read: Set a goal to read daily about personal development, even if one article. Find out what’s happening in the world, how people are motivating themselves, the habits they are adopting to improve. While you read, look inside yourself to feel which strength points resonate with what you’re reading.
Not being able to clearly identify your strengths and weaknesses risks your productivity. Everybody’s got something they uniquely perform at. Take a break now, find your assets and start investing in them. You will impress yourself by your success.