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4 Stress Management Techniques

Productivity Skills


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Stress management is key to unleash your hidden potentials, efficiently and effectively.
To handle stress better than any time before, consider these habits:
  1. Stop Multitasking
  2. Exercise
  3. Think Positively
  4. Drop Perfectionism

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In this unit, you will 4 ways to cope with the stress, that would otherwise prevent you from accomplishing a lot.
You usually feel stressed when the goals you have to achieve outgrow the resources present at your disposal, such as a project’s time-frame and your current level of motivation. However, the state of being stressed consumes from your mind’s capacity, hence leaving you with little room for productivity.
So, here are 4 effective tips to help you cope with stress:
1- Stop Multitasking: A theory in psychology called the ‘Zeigarnik Effect’ states that your brain tends to remember incomplete tasks more than complete ones. Accordingly, when you multitask, your mind will keep hammering you with the other incomplete task you are performing at the same time. So focus on just one task, and when done, start the other.
2- Exercise: Doubtlessly, this tip perfectly works for anything especially for stress management. You would be surprised if you knew how exercise works in each and every way to help your body systems work harmoniously and supply you with a dose of endorphins to make you more immune to stress afterwards. No matter how stuffed your work schedule is, find a way to squeeze exercise in.
3- Think Positively: Ever heard about NLP, Neurolinguistic Programming? It is a communication model that trains your mind to think in the most productive manner. For example, if you have a lot of work to do, you would perceive this as an exciting opportunity to challenge yourself and improve your time management skills.
4- Drop Perfectionism: Especially if you're of Type A personality, it’s easy to fall into the trap of perfectionism. While ‘perfect’ doesn’t exist, you will constantly feel stressed upon working relentlessly but rarely feeling satisfied about the outcomes. You’d argue that perfectionism brings out the best in you, but try being ‘a high achiever’ instead. It’s a healthier version of success.
You can't avoid stress when running a business or handling a job, so it is time to consider dealing with it. With these techniques in mind, you will soon find yourself functioning productively even under stressful situations. Soon, you will impress yourself and become everyone's preferred work partner.