5 Steps to Getting Your Blog Started
Starting a Blog Online

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Module 1 | Starting a Blog Online | |
Unit 1 | 5 Ways a Blog Can Improve Your Service | |
Unit 2 | 3 Ways to Create a Successful Blog | |
Unit 3 | 4 Tactics to Attracting Improved Readership | |
Unit 4 | 3 Steps to Portray Your Unique Story | |
Unit 5 | 3 Reasons to Maintain Blog Post Consistency | |
Unit 6 | 3 Choices to Make When Starting Your Blog | |
Unit 7 | 5 Steps to Getting Your Blog Started | |
Unit 8 | 12 Steps to Self-Hosting Your Blog | |
Unit 9 | Starting a Blog Online PostTest |
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Hi. In this video, we will lead you through the step-by-step process to starting a WordPress blog through the WordPress website. After watching this video, you will know how to begin blogging through WordPress with the paid or free versions of the service. Here are the 5 steps to getting started:
Start by going to wordpress.com
On the main screen, you want to press on the “Get Started” button
Now that you’re at the “Get Started” page, you can proceed to enter your information
Upon reaching the next screen, you will be lead through a few initial steps to setup your website
The 4th step is the one where you will be given the option to continue with the free version, or upgrade to a paid version.
The benefits of each option are listed and suit different scenarios
The free version will give you a basic subdomain like “yourdomain.wordpress.com” whereas any of the paid versions will give you a custom “yourdomain.com” domain name
Once these steps are complete, WordPress will lead you through a tutorial on how to control your site