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How to Have a Strong Password

Online Safety


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In this unit, you’ll learn how to make a secure/strong password which is easily memorable.

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Here are 3 great methods that you can use for making a strong and memorable password:
  • The Bruce Schneier's Method; security expert Bruce Schneier invented a method to make a secure password that you can easily remember and it is simply this: Take a sentence and make it a password. an Example, “Strong Passwords Give Us Security” = SPGUS
  • The PAO Method; scientific memorization techniques might help you remember your unbreakable password, one technique is the PAO (Person Action Object) method. It goes like this:
  1. Select an image of an interesting place (Example: A garden)
  2. Select a character (Example: A man)
  3. Select an action (Example: A Man is Cutting a flower in a garden)
  4. Which gives us: AMICAFIAG
  • The Phonetic Muscle Memory Method; here’s how to make an advanced unbreakable password. Go to a password generator site: For example, ""
  1. Create a password.
  2. Look for phonetic structure and see how it sounds in your head. Example: b45u can be (before five you). That way you'll be able to memorize your password effectively.
After following any of the above tips to memorize a password, ensure that you add a number, symbol and capital letter to make the password even more secure.
Finally, after making your super-secure password you should remember one golden rule: Never use the same password twice, always use different passwords for different accounts.

Angela didn't normally put much thought into her passwords, she was worried if she puts something long and irrelevant, she would forget it. So, she used general information about herself for her passwords, such as her name, parent's names, pet names, birthday and other things. This made it very easy for someone to access her accounts online and steal sensitive information.