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How to Write an Email Professionally

Business Etiquette


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Tips to keep in mind when writing an email professionally:
  • Fill the subject with something catchy that means a lot to your reader.
  • Try to be straight to the point and include your main message at the beginning of the email.
  • Be clear with your message.
  • Make sure your email has no punctuation or grammatical errors.
  • Remember to say please and thank you. Be polite.
  • Add a signature block section with the contact details necessary.
  • Be firm in terms of receiving responses and respond to your emails.

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It is very important to respond to your emails in a high professional manner. In this video, we will discuss the tips that you can keep in mind when writing an email.
  1. Fill the subject with something catchy that means a lot to your reader.
  2. Try to be straight to the point and include your main message at the beginning of the email. Make sure your email doesn’t exceed 2-3 paragraphs. You can always add a more information section or attach a document with all the details so that it is optional for the reader to go through it.
  3. Be clear with your message. Make sure your message is not vague.
  4. Make sure your email has no punctuation or grammatical errors. Use spell and grammar check and proofread your email many times before sending it across. In some systems it is hard to recall an email.
  5. Remember to say please and thank you. Be polite.
  6. Add a signature block section with the contact details necessary. There is no need to clutter your email with “sayings” or artwork in the signature section. Keep it nice and neat.
  7. Be firm in terms of receiving responses and respond to your emails. If there are any delays be sure to clarify the reasons behind the delay.
These are some tips that you could keep in mind when sending out business emails.

"Professional is not a label you give yourself - it's a description you hope others will apply to you." David Maister