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3 Quick Tips To Succeed with Inbound Marketing

Digital Marketing


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The key tips for inbound marketing are:
  • Define your target audience
  • Have a clear content and distribution plan
  • Nurture and build your relationships

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In this unit, we’re going to talk about one of the key marketing strategies in use today which is inbound marketing and we are going to give you three quick tips on how to succeed. What is inbound marketing? Inbound marketing is the art and science of turning strangers in the customers and how to do that? We do that by producing content, distributing it online and brining your customers back to your presence and having a nurturing and building relationship.
The three key tips for inbound marketing are:
  • Defining your audience means understanding their main points, their needs, their objectives and having a clear plan to address those when the time comes. Once you understand what your target audience looks like, once you understand what they need from you, you can clearly create a step by step map of how to turn them from strangers into customers.
  • Having a clear content strategy and distribution plan. You know your target audience. Now you need to produce the content that’s customized to your audience and have a plan on how you will distribute it to reach them. Where does your audience live? Are they on Facebook, are they on LinkedIn or twitter? Are they in your mail box? You can reach them in different ways and online really works well for that.
  • Nurturing and building your relationships. You have your audiences, you have your content and distribution plan. Now it’s time to take people from strangers to customers through the buyers’ journey. It’s important to understand that not every customer is ready to buy, so how do we take people along that path? Well, we create content customized for people who are just exploring, you create customized content for people who are actively evaluating options and you create content customized for people who are hot leads and ready to close. Now, most companies will focus on the hot leads but if you do that, then you’re ignoring a whole huge segment of your audience who are potential future buyers.
In summary, the key tips for inbound marketing are: define your target audience, have a clear content and distribution plan, and nurture and build those relationships and don’t give up on the people who need a helping hand.

A product manager for a new fitness device is getting ready to launch a marketing campaign. Before doing so, he focuses on identifying who would be his ideal target customers and finds them to be those that are new to fitness tracking and need an affordable device. The next step is he identifies where would be the best place to reach these users and lists some online and offline locations. After doing so, he then creates a set of content and messages to appeal and attract his target audience with a special offer for those that are ready to buy now, and some tips and loyalty building content for those that are interested and not ready to buy.

"Don’t build links. Build relationships." - Rand Fishkin