When & How Often should you Post on Social Media
Social Media for Business

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Module 1 | Social Media for Business | |
Unit 1 | Social Media for Business Pretest | |
Unit 2 | Four Ways to Use Social Media Sites for your Business | |
Unit 3 | Top 5 Social Media Sites for your Business | |
Unit 4 | A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Social Media Strategy | |
Unit 5 | 10 Tips for Crafting the Perfect Social Media Posts | |
Unit 6 | When & How Often should you Post on Social Media | |
Unit 7 | 4 Best Practices to Promote your Business on Social Media | |
Unit 8 | Which Online Advertising Channels are Best for your Marketing Campaign | |
Unit 9 | 4 Ways to Use Social Media for Customer Service and Support | |
Unit 10 | Social Media for Business Posttest |
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In this video we will explore the optimal frequency and timing of your social media posts.
With all the effort that goes into preparing your social media posts, you want to make sure that when you do post them, you will get the maximum number of views for those posts.
Here are some suggestions on the time and frequency of your posts per social media channel per day:
On Twitter you can be expected to post several tweets a day with some brands posting over 10 a day.
On Instagram it’s common to for brands to post 2-3 posts a day
The average number of posts on Facebook for brands is 1 post a day
LinkedIn posts are more scarce with an average of 1 post per working day
Keep in mind that you might need to post tweets again to cover different time zones if you are working globally. Given that people are continuously connected, posts get the best viewing in the evenings.
In the end, you would need to try, measure and adapt your posts to the time when you get the best interactions.
There is no perfect answer as to when is the optimum time or day to post on social media. Timing and number of posts vary according to the business industry, platform used, target audience, region, post content and goals. According to Polar, a beer brand in Venezuela, the best time to post on Facebook is on Friday between 2 and 5 PM where their target audience are online, happier and planning to go out and the best days to publish on Saturday and Sunday is on peak times at 1 p.m. These posts generated 32% more engagement than workweek posts.
Social tools are not just about giving people a voice, but giving them a way to collaborate, contribute and connect. John Stepper