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Top 5 Social Media Sites for your Business

Social Media for Business


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The top 5 Social Media Sites for your business:
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest

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Social Media is being used by billions of individuals around the world and there are hundreds of applications and sites. In this video, we will discuss which ones are best for your business.
The top 5 Social Media Sites include:
  1. Facebook: the largest network by far allows you to reach a very wide set of users that could be interesting for your business. It also has the most flexible and targeted advertising capabilities
  2. LinkedIn: the largest professional network is very useful if you are selling to businesses or are in the services business yourself
  3. Instagram: is an efficient and easy way to promote images of your products or services. If you are into handmade or food items, it’s extremely effective
  4. Twitter: is useful if you are providing thought leadership or news services. It requires more effort to get a loyal following but can be very influential when you do
  5. Pinterest: is also a great tool for businesses to promote products and services especially if you are targeting women buyers
There are many other social media networks that could be useful for a specific set of audience, such as Google+, Tumbler and many local language sites in countries around the world. Even if you are present on all these networks, as a small business, you would need to focus your efforts on the channels that can provide you with the best return on your time.

Consistent publishing, targeted messages, quality content and specific types of posts that match your business communication strategy can help understand where your target audience interact most, and accustom them to know what to expect from your brand and how to bond into your business. Sophia Forero, a jewelry e-commerce business, tested targeted posts based on gender, interests and geographic regions on various social media platforms to understand where her fans are most engaged. Forero succeeded in placing Facebook as their top platform to focus on and has managed to decrease conversion costs by 50% and increase overall sales by 15%.

We don't have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it? Erik Qualman