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Types of Virus Threats

Online Safety


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The great big ocean of the web contains many predators and threats. If we can identify them, we can protect ourselves from possible dangers.

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These are 5 types of possible threats that may occur at any time using the internet:
  • Trojans: Trojans are the most popular and complicated threats of all. Trojan is a standout amongst the biggest dangers among all internet viruses. It can conceal itself from antivirus discovery and take essential account information to trade-off a financial balance. Accordingly, a Trojan can cause many sorts of harm beginning from a PC to an online record.
  • Spyware: Is a malware designed to manipulate any computer and/or mobile device for spying on the user. Spyware is used for blackmail, sensitive data, and phishing. Spyware will spy on daily activity and make a phishing scam accordingly. Example, if you search for cars for a week, the hacker will make a phishing site about cars to trick you to input your information.
  • Botnet: Botnet is something that is installed to hijack your computer, the result is the computer becomes a bot used to create large-scale attacks.
  • Chain letters: Some emails trick you into sending them and sharing them with others only to replicate a virus.
  • Yourself: You can be a threat to yourself sometimes if you do not browse safely. You can cause yourself harm to your privacy and security if you use the internet foolishly.
Identifying threats are the key to avoiding them. Once you know them, you can get rid of them effectively.